David C. Craig, M.Ed.

Instructional Designer - Work Examples


Full Course Presentation Skills for Webinars

These are a few of the one-hour training and certification courses that I independently designed during my tenure at Netsmart University.  Given a specific course topic, I was responsible for researching and writing a complete script of six to nine thousand words.  Next, using a variety of software, I personally constructed the graphic layout and recorded my own voice-over and video instruction necessary for the project.  As well, I performed my own editing and quality assurance prior to publishing.

Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 1
Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 2
Microsoft Word 2010
Course Files Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 2 - PowerPoint

This is the set of slides for the one-hour long instructional course I created at Netsmart.  This one details an intermediate level introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010.

Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 2 - Transcipt

This is the transcript for another one-hour long course I created at Netsmart.  This one details an intermediate level introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010.

Microsoft Word 2010 Level 2 - Transcript

This is the transcript for another one-hour long course I created at Netsmart.  This one details an intermediate level introduction to Microsoft Word 2010.

Instructional Processes Acorde Implementation BRD

For one of the Six Sigma Projects I led, I developed this business requirements document from the ground up.  It describes the technical and logistical requirements for rolling out a new client management platform called Acorde. 

Client Transaction Transfer Process

This is an example of one of the many process documents I was asked to design to explain specifically short but complex procedures within our client management team.

Health Savings Account Process

This is a portion of the process and procedural documentation I designed for use within the benefits department.  It explains the steps necessary for set-up and administration of a consumer account.

Health Savings Account PowerPoint Training

This slideshow I created was to be used for internal and external users of the Health Savings Account to explain the advantages of this pretax benefit.  With a mixture of graphics, charts and textual data, this slideshow relays a complete overview of complex concepts.

Overpayment Process

I created this instructional document for use in the Benefits Administration Team.  The layout is based on a MS Word template I designed that aids in organizing the steps and sections of the process.

Linked In Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=14873372

All documentation on this website was designed and produced by me, David Craig, for the use of the specific company that I worked for at the time. Thank you for your time and consideration.

David Craig, M.Ed.